Woman Inside Home Opening Curtains

Everything You Need to Know About Indoor Air Quality in Greeley, CO

August 3, 2020

Indoor air quality refers, in part, to the oxygen standards that you inhale within and around your home. Your health and comfort rely heavily on the air that you and your loved ones breathe in your Greeley, CO house. Here are essential facts that you need to know about indoor air quality (IAQ).

Causes of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Pollutants that release particles and gases are the significant causes of poor air quality in your residence. If your house doesn’t have adequate ventilation, outdoor air will not seep in to purify the air inside. In addition, high humidity and heat contribute to indoor air pollution.

Some of the contaminants hail from the outside environment as well. Here are the primary sources that are polluting your air:

  • Pesticides
  • Excess moisture
  • Computer equipment and office furniture
  • Smoking
  • Food
  • Home appliances that emit carbon monoxide

Importance of Indoor Air Quality

If you live in Greeley, CO, air quality is paramount for your health. For instance, if you suffer from allergies and asthma, you need to breathe in the best oxygen to heal. Otherwise, your condition will worsen due to the pollutants.

Fresh air can save you from other ailments such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues. On that account, you need air cleaners to make sure that you experience the best indoor air quality.

Improving Your Air Quality

The good news is that we can help you improve your home’s air quality with sheer simplicity. We will check your HVAC system since it plays a pivotal role in maintaining your home’s oxygen standards.

The best part is that we will come to your house to inspect the equipment if you reside in Greeley, CO. Contact us today at A to Z Heating & Cooling so that we can inspect your home’s air quality and provide HVAC maintenance services as well.

Image provided by iStock

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